Free Benchmarking Tool
Welcome for using the Free Benchmarking Tool. By using this Tool, you will have opportunity to assess the energy performance of your premises amongst the peers.

Please prepare the following information before you start to use the Tool.

To sum up, please prepare the following information in advance.
  • • The total electricity consumption records in the past twelve months
  • • The total number of full-time staff
  • • The total number of part-time staff who attends at least 50% of working hours of a full-time staff
  • • The total internal floor area (square meter (1 sq.m = 10.76 sq.ft))
  • • The average bi-weekly operation hours (hrs) (including the average bi-weekly overtime working hours)
  • • To confirm the space cooling is provided by central air-conditioning system or using their own package
       type air-conditioners
  • • Server�s dedicated air-conditioning and UPS system
(For more information, please refer to FAQ or Glossary)

After collecting the required information, the energy consumption performance will be analysed and compared with similar type of office premises having similar characteristics in Hong Kong. To this end, energy performance rating of your premises will be advised.

Please click here to start using the Tool.